Special Needs Families

Life has thrown you a major curve ball

You may or may not have been prepared for it; Your child has Special Needs.

Hearing the news for the first time

Some children are born needing extra assistance from the very beginning, whereas others discover their needs throughout their developmental years.

No matter when or where you learned of your child’s needs, it is shocking, overwhelming, and life changing to say the least.

Your mind becomes a whirlwind of thoughts, which makes it’s difficult to think straight.

Parental guilt starts to creep in by asking yourself all the “would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve” questions.

A sense of loneliness looms overhead as if you are stranded on a deserted island. Be reassured, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Special Needs families have their own challenges

Whether it be extra responsibilities on the other family members, limited time with other children, additional pressure in your marriage/relationship, denial and/or not accepting, lack of resources and the list goes on and on.

No two families look alike

Every Special Needs family has its own struggles, strengths and uniqueness. While working together, I will help you uncover skills and techniques you have used in your past as well as introduce new tools you can put in your “tool kit for life”.

We are in this together

If you are ready for me to be part of your journey, contact me at (754) 444-6739 for your free 15-minute phone consultation.