

Am I the right counselor for you

Before you come into my office, you’ll have an opportunity to decide if I am the right counselor for you.

During your free 15-minute phone consultation, we’ll discuss what brings you to counseling, the services I provide, and how I can help you.

If we decide we’re a good fit for each other, we’ll take the next step by scheduling your first session.

Opening up to a stranger begins with trust

I completely understand how it might be difficult for you to talk to me about your personal concerns, especially when we first meet – and that’s OK.

I take my time establishing and maintaining a trusting relationship with my clients, so we can create a strong therapeutic foundation.

Throughout my life, people have told me I put them at ease when speaking with them. Considering I have chosen the counseling profession, I hold that compliment to the highest value.

Come as you are

My office is a place where you can be yourself; I take the good with the bad.

I strongly encourage my clients to be 100% honest with me. The more honest you are, the better I can help you help yourself.

Confront me! Let me know if there’s something you don’t agree with. I provide a safe, calm, and welcoming space for you to become comfortable with confrontation.

Therapy is personalized

It’s not a one-size-fits-all; some clients come for a few sessions, while others come for a few years.

We will work together to explore the areas on which you would like to work as well as your ideal outcomes. Once we have an idea of where you currently are and where you want to be, we will develop an individualized plan to achieve your therapeutic goals.

And we’re off.

If you want things in your life to change for the better, get ready to work. I encourage my clients to participate during their sessions as a way for them to be an active player in their desired life.

We will explore the skills and tools with which you are already equipped and see if they can be used in your current situation. If there is a new skill or tool you can benefit from, I will introduce it during your session and give you an opportunity to practice it before you leave the session.

Practice makes perfect!

Throughout our time working together, I will listen to you, educate you, guide you, walk along side of you, and even encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone once in a while.

About Me

I’m laid back, lighthearted, and slightly humorous. I occasionally say one-liners here or there, and hopefully you’ll laugh from them. It brings me great joy knowing I can make my clients smile and laugh as a way of escaping from their reality, even if it’s just for a split second.

Utilizing a wellness approach, I do not diagnose my clients. I recognize you are a whole person while taking into consideration all your physical, social, and psychological elements that make you who you are. I believe when all three are in line with each other, you can be the best version of yourself.

Over the years, I have noticed that many of my clients have had difficulty identifying their strengths, however, it’s easier for them to identify their weaknesses. One of my greatest counseling techniques is helping my clients recognize their strengths and transferable skills.

The pathway to my career

As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved making a difference in other people’s lives. I have always known I wanted to have a career in a helping profession, but I wasn’t sure in what capacity.

I tried a nursing track in high school and discovered quickly that was not the path I wanted to take. In college, I took an introduction to psychology course and knew instantly that was the career of my dreams.

As soon as I graduated from Palm Beach Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts, I moved to Virginia Beach, VA, to continue my education.That’s where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA.

Right after graduating from ODU, I was able to utilize my education and gain experience while providing services in an array of settings, such as in-home, residential, hospital, and foster care.

After working in the field for a few years, I understood my ultimate career goal was to be a licensed counselor and have a private practice. For me to achieve that goal, I knew I had to go back to school.

That’s when I decided to return to South Florida. I earned a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, as well as Marriage and Family Therapy, from Barry University in Miami Shores, FL.

After years of hard work and dedication, I became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

Just a couple little quirky facts about me…

I have always loved to talk – and I still do. I can talk on the phone for hours with my friends and family or just spark up a conversation with a stranger in the grocery. Either way, I enjoy connecting with people in and out of work.

When time allows me to take a vacation, my favorite getaway is on a cruise. I love just relaxing and taking it easy. The best part is I don’t have to cook or clean. That’s a win-win for me!