Mental Health Counseling in Weston, FL
Telehealth services throughout Florida.
Enough is enough
You’ve been trying to do it all.
Caring for your family, meeting expectations at work, spending quality time with loved ones, squeezing in household responsibilities, and hopefully having a few minutes at the end of the day for yourself before you have to wake up and do it all over again the next day.
You’ve been feeling stressed, anxious, tired, and overwhelmed – every day – but the show must go on.
What if you put yourself first on your priority list?
Would your world still function? YES

Putting on your oxygen mask first
Just like they say on an airplane, take care of yourself first before trying to help others.
When you take time for yourself and restore your energy, you’ll be a healthier version of you which in turn will have a positive impact on everything and everyone in your life.
NOW is your time to be #1 on your priority list.
Stop existing and start living!!

You got this
The hardest part of doing something new is getting started. Once you put your first foot forward, the possibilities are endless.
Hesitation or uncertainty might cross your mind and that’s UNDERSTANDABLE. Instead of focusing on why you’re afraid, you’ll be able to start focusing on why you’ll succeed.
You possess many abilities to help you flourish, and you might even learn some more along the way.
If you have the desire to make changes in your life, you can do it!

You are not alone
I am here to join your team and support you throughout your journey.
I am committed to encouraging you, challenging you, and walking along side you as you reach a healthier you.

If you’re ready, let’s get started!!
Pick up the phone and call me now! (754) 444-6739
Robyn Muir, LMHC, LMFT, NCC

I would like to take a minute for us to acknowledge the strength and courage you have displayed by reaching out for help. For some people, this might be one of the hardest steps in their journey.
Part of my professional identity as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist is to help my clients recognize the power of reframing their thoughts, processing their feelings and encourage behavioral changes to achieve their goals. I utilize strength-based approaches, which uplifts my clients.
The most important aspect of therapy is the relationship between the counselor and the client. There has to be a great level of comfort for the client to want to work through their presenting problems.
Throughout my career, clients have consistently expressed how comfortable they are when working with me. I take great pride in providing a space that my clients can develop trust, growth, and wellness.